NLR | until No Leprosy Remains

Young child with leprosy spots on his back

until No Leprosy Remains

NLR is a global forerunner in the fight against leprosy

Our global ambition: a world free of leprosy by 2040 

We take pride in enabling research and driving evidence-based innovation. Ongoing research on and implementation of preventive treatment provides hope that stopping leprosy transmission is coming within reach. It will take joint effort but we have the ambition to continue until No Leprosy Remains.

Three Zeros

Even today, leprosy causes disability and social exclusion. The disease affects millions of lives. The NLR Alliance developed three strategic programmes to work towards a leprosy-free world: Zero Transmission, Zero Disability, and Zero Exclusion

An alliance of partners active across five countries

  1. Brazil

    1,245 Health staff trained on leprosy, prevention of disablities and stigma

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  2. Mozambique

    139 Persons affected by leprosy with improved socio-economic situation

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  3. India

    30,437 new patients diagnosed and treated

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  4. Nepal

    140 Local actors voicing concerns and needs of people affected by leprosy

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  5. Indonesia

    58,002 contacts received SDR-PEP

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What we achieved in 2022


New leprosy cases diagnosed and treated


Persons received SDR-PEP


Local actors voicing concerns and needs of people affected by leprosy


Health staff trained on leprosy, prevention of disablities and stigma

About us


Annual Report 2021

Everybody has the right to a dignified life and to achieve their full potential. Not just to survive, but to thrive. In 2021 we worked towards zero leprosy by ‘Staying Connected’ with our donors, supporters, partners and persons affected by leprosy. Read our Annual Report 2021 – ‘Staying Connected’!


Blog: Why global dermatological care should not be overlooked

It is important to ensure global health care access for people suffering from skin problems.

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