Children living in a leprosy colony in India

In light of our vision and mission, this is our strategy:

Working with governments, non-governmental organisations, research institutions, and Disabled People’s Organisations promoting access and quality of services through training, expert advice, research, and innovation.

Strengthening capacity through training, expert advice, research, and innovation.

Developing policies and programmes that are in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. with Disabilities, aiming to combat neglected tropical diseases and their consequences and to contribute to poverty reduction, promotion of human rights, and social inclusion of persons affected by leprosy and persons with disabilities.

Integrating leprosy work with other neglected tropical diseases and disability work.

Lobbying to keep leprosy and disability inclusion on policy agendas at all levels.

Facilitating rehabilitation services, reduction of stigma, and the promotion of self-care and empowerment.