Liesbeth Miedras and leprosy doctor from NLR checking a person affected by leprosy in Nepal

Since its foundation in 1967, NLR has grown to become a global forerunner in the fight for world free of leprosy. Our organisation unites a team of highly dedicated staff who are passionate about stopping leprosy.

Until No Leprosy Remains

We have the ambition to continue until No Leprosy Remains and therefore decided to make a significant organisational change. Our mission to promote and support health, ability, and full inclusion in society for persons affected by leprosy, is better served by an alliance of local non-governmental organisations with a shared mission. NLR started this transformation in 2018. First members are NHR Brasil, NLR India, NLR Indonesia, NLR Mozambique and NLR Nepal. NLR envisions a growing alliance of members who share our mission.

Leprosy doctor and staff in Mozambique at work
Leprosy medical staff checks Riduan from Indonesia on symptoms of leprosy